Category: Opinion

  • The Singing Fairy

    The Singing Fairy

    By Anna Pietuszek (Inspired by the Trial of Simon Bikindi) Once upon a time, my friend and I went to see what had happened in the war. As we were walking to where the battle had been, we saw a single soldier walking slowly toward us from the battlefield. “What happened?” we asked. “It was…

  • The Evil King’s Factory

    The Evil King’s Factory

    By Anna Pietuszek (Very loosely inspired by the Trial for Friedrich Flick) Once upon a time in big town lived an Evil King. He lived in castle and had his own famous factory. The Evil King pretended to be a good ruler, but that was a lie. People in his town were divided. Half of…

  • Drazen Erdemovic: Murderer or Victim

    Drazen Erdemovic: Murderer or Victim

    By Jaël Nürnberger Drazen Erdemovic was involved in the war crime of Srebrenica, former Yugoslavia, were he shot, as he said 70 civilians. The persecution says that Erdemovic was responsible of the crime because he knew at some point that he would have to shoot people if he were in the army. I would answer…

  • The Prosecution vs. Friedrich Flick

    The Prosecution vs. Friedrich Flick

    By Mathilda von Schroeter Today the trial of Friedrich Flick took place in Krzyzowa, Poland. Flick is accused of enslaving and abusing workers in his factories. It was discussed whether or not Flick knew about the situation in his factories and whether he tried to do anything against it. He was charged with crimes against…

  • The Power In Our Words

    The Power In Our Words

    By Yarethzy Chacon Simon Bikindi’s case is very controversial. It questions the limits of the rights we as humans all have. It is a strange case of a man who used his freedom of speech to express his opinion through his music. Many people think that the message he tried to convey was rather aggressive…

  • Is Justice Justified?

    Is Justice Justified?

    Milica Jovanović October 16th, 2023 As a society, we would all like to think we have progressed far from the issues of the past, as well as the mistakes of our ancestors in history; yet, war is still ongoing and crime is still happening everywhere, every day. So how can we ensure truly leaving barbaric…

  • Why Does The Flick Case Matter?

    Why Does The Flick Case Matter?

    by Niels Salewski Oct 15, 2023 This morning some evidence showed up which proved that Friedrich Flick is a cruel monster. We had heard that the prosecution had a very important document, and after asking for it, they brought it to us. The evidence was a photograph, a document #52, and a letter from someone…

  • Does the MICC Matter If No One Trusts It?

    Does the MICC Matter If No One Trusts It?

    by Teodora Kobaš Oct 15, 2023 Today, we are diving into a thought-provoking question that often buzzes around the world of international affairs: Does the court (the court of the MICC) matter if no one trusts them? It’s a significant question that warrants exploration and discussion.  The International Criminal Court is a permanent international court…

  • What If I Am Wrong?

    What If I Am Wrong?

    by Ana Nastić Oct 15, 2023 The defense team claims that it’s not important if the person they’re defending are guilty. They are doing their job professionally, and they are biased 100% for their client. The prosecution team also claims that they stay professional when they think that their client is guilty. “If he’s not…