Category: Bikindi
The Singing Fairy
By Anna Pietuszek (Inspired by the Trial of Simon Bikindi) Once upon a time, my friend and I went to see what had happened in the war. As we were walking to where the battle had been, we saw a single soldier walking slowly toward us from the battlefield. “What happened?” we asked. “It was…
The Power In Our Words
By Yarethzy Chacon Simon Bikindi’s case is very controversial. It questions the limits of the rights we as humans all have. It is a strange case of a man who used his freedom of speech to express his opinion through his music. Many people think that the message he tried to convey was rather aggressive…
Does the MICC Matter If No One Trusts It?
by Teodora Kobaš Oct 15, 2023 Today, we are diving into a thought-provoking question that often buzzes around the world of international affairs: Does the court (the court of the MICC) matter if no one trusts them? It’s a significant question that warrants exploration and discussion. The International Criminal Court is a permanent international court…
Music That Kills
Bikindi, the Poet of the Rwandan Genocide By Prodromos Paraskevaidis April 4, 2023 (Krzyżowa, Poland) This morning, a very important tribunal session took place at the Model International Criminal Court (MICC) in the Polish village of Krzyżowa about an interesting and distinctive case with some unique characteristics. “All rise”, and the trial had already begun!…
The Court is Good Enough
By Uri Binnun April 4, 2023 (Krzyżowa, Poland) Today, three major trials were held at the Model International Criminal Court (MICC). First, the trial of Friedrich Flick – a Nazi businessman accused of using slave labor in his factories during World War II. Next, the court held the trial of Slobodan Prajlak, a Croat general…
Prosecutor vs. Simon Bikindi
Indictment Simon Bikindi is charged with aiding and abetting the commission of genocide, punishable under Art. 6 (a) and (b) and 25 (3) (c) RS. Case background: The conflict in Rwanda (1994) Rwanda, a country in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, gained independence from Belgian colonial rule in 1959. By 1961, the traditional Tutsi-dominated…